Locations and figures
The projects we support are at the heart of the One Foundation. In cooperation with our funding partners and with their commitment, we are getting ever closer to our vision of a society that offers fair opportunities.
Since the foundation was set up, we have successfully supported 28 projects in six countries.
To accomplish this, we have access to a total funding amount of EUR 2.5 million.
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Our projects
In order to give children in Salima a chance at getting an education, the One Foundation is building schools in cooperation with local stakeholders.
Four schools and a nursery have already been opened, supporting more than 2,262 children.
The so-called ‘bird schools’ enable young refugees from Syria to attend school in refugee camps.
Zeltschule e.V. creates new hope and future opportunities for children and young people with a refugee background.
SchlaUA (Trägerkreis Junge Flüchtlinge e.V.) is the first educational institution in Germany offering graduation classes for Ukrainian pupils.
This gives young people the chance to learn the German language and get into the German labour market after completing their education.
SchlaU-Werkstatt encourages schools to address migration and diversity. Pupils who are new to Germany benefit as much as teachers. Together, an inclusive classroom community is strengthened.
Careers guidance
Junge Menschen für eine berufliche Ausbildung zu begeistern, ist das Ziel von PLAN A (JOBLINGE).
Mit Hilfe von Social Media Kampagnen, Schulbesuchen und persönlichen Coachings werden Jugendliche für den Arbeitsmarkt aktiviert, um dem Fachkräftemangel entgegen zu wirken.
Die Gastro Akademie von Über den Tellerrand kochen München e.V. gibt Menschen mit Flucht- und Migrationserfahrung die Möglichkeit, sich für eine Arbeit im Gastgewerbe aus- und weiterzubilden.
Eine Vielzahl an Kursen erleichtert den Teilnehmenden das Handwerk zu lernen und den anschließenden Berufseinstieg zu wagen.
The One Foundation has been awarding scholarships to certain apprentices in the hotel and catering industry since 2023.
Supporting young people from different social backgrounds and accompanying them on their educational journey is one of the One Foundation's core missions.
The Nicolaidis YoungWings Foundation offers scholarships to support half-orphans and orphans.
Through financial assistance and grief counselling, young people are guided through the grieving process.
A unique educational concept is implemented at Freudberg School in Berlin: its principles centre on equal opportunities, personal development and diversity.
The scholarships funded by the One Foundation aim to assist children from socially disadvantaged families with attending the Freudberg School.
Refugio München's Art Workshop assists young refugees in processing their own experiences.
The art education programme supports and guides children and young people, helping them to achieve greater self-efficacy.
BrotZeit e.V. provides breakfast for pupils to ensure that children start the day well-nourished and revitalised.
Senior citizens volunteer to serve breakfast, fostering an intergenerational community.
JUNO Munich supports refugee women by creating a network, meeting them on an equal footing and helping them to find a job.
Various programmes and volunteer support aid women in settling in Germany.
The Franz Beckenbauer Foundation takes a proactive approach to assisting individuals with disabilities and those in need of support through no fault of their own.
Support is provided in both financial and non-financial form, including donated goods, cost reimbursements, and home conversions for individuals with disabilities.
The One Foundation provides emergency aid in response to natural disasters and humanitarian crises in order to offer quick and straightforward assistance.
Hotel rooms were provided, and donated goods collected for emergency aid for Ukrainian refugees.